Try-Success-Failure API for Java 8

Try-Success-Failure API: Java implementation of the famous Scala counterpart

Source code: Try-Success-Failure API for Java

This API is a Java implementation of Scala Try API, originally implemented by the guys at Twitter and later added to the Scala Standard Library.

The Try type represents a computation that may fail. If the computation is successful returns the value wrapped in a Try.Success otherwise returns the java.lang.Exception wrapped in a Try.Failure.

To use Try you need to call the Try.apply(FailableSupplier) method passing in a lambda with the same signature used for a common java.util.function.Supplier. Indeed FailableSupplier is just a java.util.function.Supplier with a throws Exception added to its get method.

For example, Try can be used to perform division on a user-defined input, without the need to do explicit exception-handling in all of the places that an exception might occur.

An important property of Try shown in the divide method of the MainExample class is its ability to pipeline (chain if you prefer) operations, catching exceptions along the way thanks to its flatMap method. If you are not a seasoned functional programming geek concepts such as flatMap/map might not be easy to grasp at first. However you’ll get used to them and, in the end, you’ll love them. Moreover you’re going to encounter these methods more and more often since some important Java 8 classes already implement them (e.g. java.util.Optional and Anyway for the moment just take for granted that to pipeline more than two operations, say N, you just need to chain them by using N - 1 flatMap calls and a last call to map. E.g.: Suppose you have 3 variables (x, y and z) being of type Try and you just want to sum them up. The code you need for doing that is the following:

x.flatMap(a -> y.flatMap(b -> -> a + b + c)))

Apart from map and flatMap, Try has many other useful methods. See the TryTest class for a thorough coverage of all methods.

Usage example

System.out.println("Integer division");
System.out.println("Enter the dividend press Return and then enter the divisor: ");
Scanner dividend = new Scanner(;
Scanner divisor = new Scanner(;

Try<Integer> num = Try.apply(dividend::nextInt);
Try<Integer> denom = Try.apply(divisor::nextInt);

Try<Integer> result = num.flatMap(x -> -> x / y));
Try<String> resultTryStr = -> "The result of division is: " + i);
String resultStr = resultTryStr.getOrElse("You must've divided by zero or entered something that's not an Int. Try again!");
In the previous example if you enter two valid integers with the second one–the divisor–being different from zero then the code prints out The result of division is: $RESULT, where $RESULT is the division between the first and the second number. On the other hand, if you either enter non valid integers–such as a string–or the second number is zero then you’ll get the message You must've divided by zero or entered something that's not an Int. Try again! printed out.

Anyway, as I already said, see the TryTest class for a thorough coverage of all methods.

Final Notes

Any criticism/suggestion is more than welcome!

Source code: Try-Success-Failure API for Java